Joondalup Health Campus
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Your Stay

What to bring checklist

Please use the following checklist to ensure you remember to bring all the items you need:

  • Doctor's admission letter and any forms, notes or reports from your doctor
  • Any paperwork relating to your hospital stay not already returned to the hospital
  • PATS forms for country patients if applicable
  • Medicare card and health fund details if applicable
  • Pension health benefits card and pharmaceutical card if applicable
  • Any medications you are currently taking (in original containers)
  • All relevant x-rays/scans or test results (to be returned to you prior to your discharge)
  • Any special equipment you may require e.g. CPAP for sleep apnoea
  • Toiletries
  • Night attire, if staying overnight
  • Shoes/slippers that fit you well with a non-slip sole
  • Reading material
  • Glasses and physical aids e.g. walking sticks, hearing aids, etc.
  • Comfortable clothes to go home in.

Please do not bring any valuables or large amounts of cash to the hospital as our policy stipulates that the hospital does not take any responsibility for personal belongings during your stay.

Please ensure that all belongings brought to the hospital are labelled with your name.

Day of admission

Please wear clean clothes that are comfortable and easy to remove and do not wear jewellery, make-up or nail varnish.

Please report to our main public reception located on the ground floor of Joondalup Health Campus, unless advised otherwise by the hospital.

Both day procedure and overnight stay patients will usually go to the Day Surgery Unit (although some patients may go to a ward) where your nursing admission will be completed. All necessary preparation will be attended to and you will be reviewed by the surgical team and anaesthetist prior to your operation.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure your surgery proceeds as scheduled, in some cases there may be a delay due to unforeseen circumstances. We will keep you informed of any delays and advise that you bring a book or magazine to read prior to your surgery.

DAY PROCEDURE patients must be able to provide the nursing staff with the contact name and phone number of the adult person responsible for collecting you on discharge. It is very important that you have an adult to stay with you overnight.

Please note: visitors are not permitted in the Day Procedure Unit.

IMPORTANT: You cannot drive for 24 hours following a general anaesthetic.

We recommend patients and visitors plan your visit ahead of time, review the current hospital parking map and information to make your visit go as smoothly as possible.

The P12 car park is the closest parking for patients and visitors to the private hospital. The P1 multi-storey public car park at Joondalup Health Campus offers more than 750 car parking bays and is the most convenient parking for patients and visitors to access public services at the hospital. Both of these car parks offer Acrod parking and can be accessed from Shenton Avenue. Parking fees apply.

For more information on parking click here.

Major bus routes also service the area surrounding the hospital. Transperth can be contacted on 13 22 13 or visit for timetable information.

Joondalup CAT

The Joondalup CAT route is a free, high frequency service that operates around Joondalup CBD and educational precinct. Click here for more information about the Joondalup CAT routes and timetable.

Transport for eligible DVA patients

Some veteran patients may be eligible to have transport arranged for them through the Department of Veterans' Affairs. The Department can be contacted on 1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372) for information.

Download Map

Hospital Map

Our aim at Joondalup Health Campus is to make your stay as comfortable as possible. The information below will help you familiarise yourself with our hospital and the many amenities available at Joondalup Health Campus.


If you have special needs that require a carer to stay with you overnight, please discuss this with ward staff. Other boarders, including infants, may only stay at the discretion of the ward manager. A fee may be charged.

Consumer Liaison Service

Our Consumer Liaison Service represents the interests of patients, their families and carers in resolving matters of concern. Click here for more information.

Electrical equipment

All electrical equipment including hairdryers, shavers, laptops, chargers, etc. must be checked and certified safe by our engineering department before use. Please ask the ward staff to arrange this for you.

Falls prevention

A combination of factors including medication and tiredness may make you more susceptible to being unsteady on your feet or at the risk of slipping or falling. Take care when standing or moving about your room and ask a nurse if you need assistance.

Interpreter service

Should you require the use of an interpreter during your stay with us, please ask the ward staff in your area. We will endeavour to provide this service where possible.

Mobile phones

When you are admitted please ask our staff if mobiles can be used in your room. Mobiles may be used in all public areas including the coffee shop. Joondalup Health Campus does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to your mobile phone.

Patient meals

Our nutritious and appetising meals are important to your recovery. Your dietary requirements, including any allergies, are recorded upon admission. Our catering staff will visit you daily to take your meal order, using our automated menu system, Chefmax.

Pastoral care

Our non-denominational Pastoral Care team is available 24/7 to provide support and comfort during your hospital stay. If you would like to arrange a visit from Pastoral Care, please ask a nurse or ward clerk on your ward during your stay or call (09) 9400 9458. A Prayer & Reflection Room is also located on the ground floor near the Wanneroo Wing – ask your ward staff for details. See more on Pastoral Care.

Tea & coffee facilities

Hospital wards are equipped with kitchenettes with tea and coffee making facilities for your convenience.

Visiting hours

General hospital visiting hours are between 10.00am and 8.00pm though some wards encourage patients to rest between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. The maternity ward has a strict no visitors period between 12.00pm and 3.00pm.

ICU and HDU visiting hours are 10am – 1pm and 4pm - 8pm.

CCU visiting hours are 10am – 1pm and 3pm – 8pm.

Maximum two visitors per patient (including Next of Kin)

In the interests of patient safety, we are unable to accommodate visitors in the Day Procedures Unit, however staff can provide an approximate time to collect you.

We welcome next of kin, guardians and/or partners in care 24 hours a day, according to our patient’s preference, wellbeing, and other patient and staff safety. However, visitor presence can be flexible according to patient needs in discussion with the treating nursing team. Children may visit at the discretion of the patient and family but must be accompanied by a supervising adult at all times.

Your care

We are committed to being responsive to patient, carer and consumers’ input and needs. If you or your carer have any concerns about your care, condition or general wellbeing while you are in hospital, we encourage you to speak with any member of staff.

At any time during your hospital stay, if you, your carer or relative notice that your condition has deteriorated, please call the nurse immediately. For urgent assistance, press the yellow ‘Staff Assist’ button at your bedside.

Smoke-free site

Joondalup Health Campus is a smoke free environment. Smoking is not permitted within the hospital building or grounds by any persons. If you experience severe difficulties with not being allowed to smoke while at Joondalup Health Campus, please speak to your doctor. If you would like assistance to quit smoking, please ask your ward staff.


ATM facility

An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) that accepts all cards is located in the foyer of the main public hospital.


Pause Café is located on the ground floor of the hospital in the Specialist Medical Centre. Pause Café serves a wide range of beverages, cakes and light meals.

Opening hours are:

Monday to Friday 8.00am – 5.30pm
Saturday & Sunday 10.00am – 3.00pm

Phone: (08) 9400 9824


The on-site florist, Flower Magic offers an array of flowers, gifts, cards and balloons. Flower Magic is located on the ground floor in Specialist Medical Centre (West).
Phone: (08) 9400 9920


Click here for more information regarding on-site parking at Joondalup Health Campus.

Mobile Phones

When you are admitted please ask our staff if mobiles can be used in your room. Mobiles may be used in all public areas including the coffee shop. Joondalup Health Campus does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to your mobile phone.


An on-site pharmacy provides a full range of clinical pharmacology services as well as regular pharmaceutical items, confectionery, magazines and gifts.

Pharmacy opening hours:

Monday – Friday 8.30am to 7.00pm
Saturday 9.00am to 7.00pm
Sunday 11.00am to 7.00pm
Public Holidays 11.00am to 7.00pm

The pharmacy is located on the ground floor of the Specialist Medical Centre (West) adjacent to Pause Café.

Telephones & TV

A bedside telephone is available throughout your stay. To dial an external number, please dial ‘0’ first, then dial the required number.

Coin operated public telephones are available in the main foyer of the public reception of Joondalup Health Campus.

A television with free to air channels is provided free of charge for each bed in the hospital.


Wireless internet access is available to all patients and visitors. Wi-Fi access instructions are provided in the Wireless Internet Access leaflet.

Please ask ward staff for a copy of this leaflet. Should you have difficulty accessing the internet, please ask staff to contact the IT Department.

Your doctor and treating team will let you know when you are ready to go home. On your day of discharge, we ask that you vacate your room by 10.00am so we can prepare for the next patient.

Please check with your nurse before leaving the ward to collect any x-rays, medication or require a medical certificate and to confirm if you have any follow-up appointments. Please also ensure any cannulas have been removed from your arm. The hospital foyer is available for you to wait for your transport upon discharge.

Should there be any delay in discharge, you may be transferred to the discharge lounge, which is conveniently located on the ground floor near the main public entrance to Joondalup Health Campus. While in the discharge lounge, you will continue to be cared for by nursing staff and final tasks may be completed for your discharge. 

If you are a day patient and have had a procedure, at your request the nursing staff can contact the person collecting you from hospital.

If you have had general anaesthetic or sedation in the previous 24 hours, you will not be allowed to drive.

In the first 24 hours after surgery, please do not:

  • Drive a motor vehicle
  • Use any machinery or tools
  • Make important decisions e.g. signing a legal document
  • Drink alcohol
  • Do anything which requires a high level of alertness or coordination.

Pain and Nausea

In the first 24 hours post procedure or surgery you may experience some discomfort. As a result of the anaesthetic you may suffer from a sore throat, headache and general aches and pains. Take pain relief as recommended by your doctor.

It is highly recommended that you have a responsible adult stay with you overnight once you are at home post procedure.

Following an anaesthetic, some people can experience nausea, which may progress to vomiting. If this happens, take small frequent sips of water. Call your doctor if it does not resolve or you are concerned about it.

Do not take aspirin for pain relief as this can cause increased bleeding at the site of the operation or irritation of the stomach. If you have excessive unrelieved pain, swelling, headaches or are generally concerned about your condition, please contact your doctor.

Please note: These instructions are only a general guide and are not a substitute for medical care.

Your recovery at home

Once you are over the acute phase of your surgery or illness, it is anticipated that you will continue your recovery at home. Before you come to hospital, you will need to consider how you will manage daily living activities such as:

  • Meals
  • Personal care
  • Shopping
  • Home care

You are welcome to contact us after you go home if you have any queries or concerns. Please contact your specialist (during standard business hours) or call (08) 9400 9400 and ask for the manager on the ward from which you were discharged. Alternatively, please contact your treating GP.

External link

How to be Medicine Wise


If you require the services of an Interpreter during your stay with us, your doctor needs to indicate this at the time your visit to hospital is booked.

Pastoral Care

Your spiritual needs may be catered for by our pastoral care visitors. Please advise your Nurse Unit Manager for appropriate arrangements to be made. Your own clergy person is very welcome to visit you during your hospital stay.

Coming into hospital and recovering from illness or injury is a journey, so we’ve created a special journal that you might like to use during your stay.

The Patient Recovery & Wellbeing Journal has been created as an optional tool that you can use to record your recovery goals, thoughts and feelings about your recovery and wellbeing. It could also be used to capture any useful information or questions you might have.

When the doctors, allied health and nursing staff visit the journal may help you to prompt discussions or serve to remind you to raise any questions or concerns you have.

You can download a PDF of the journal here.

Charter of healthcare rights

Wifi @ Ramsay