Joondalup Health Campus
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Consumer Engagement Framework

Involving our consumers and carers in the services we provide is a top priority for Joondalup Health Campus (JHC).

At all levels we are committed to putting the consumer at the heart of healthcare.

At individual level this is about engagement between patients and staff about their personal health care, treatments and decision.

At a service level it is between consumers and service units / departments about program and services design and delivery.

It also extends to an organisational level with consumers involved in development of policy, procedure and process - as well as planning,  strategy and governance.

At JHC we believe in a philosophy of not transforming care without you there. 

JHC aims to provide patient-centred care and to involve consumers in our decision-making processes.

Read More about the Consumer Engagement Framework 2020-2025

Consumer Engagement Framework