Joondalup Health Campus
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Clinical Services Plan

The hospital is developing a plan to guide, at a high level, the planning of future services.

What is a Clinical Services Plan?

We consider a Clinical Services Plan to be a strategic document that maps out what services will look like by 2025. The plan aligns with the WA Health Clinical Services Framework 2014-2024.

What is the purpose of the plan?

The plan is written to provide shared key strategic goals under each of our key focus areas.

It is intended to be used by our staff as they work on their service action plans, which will provide more specific, task level details on exactly what we’ll need to do to ensure we reach our desired destination by 2025.

Keeping in mind that this document is clinically focused because it is a clinical services plan, we are keen to know, from a consumer perspective, does it make sense to you?

Importantly, is there anything you feel we should consider in this plan that hasn’t been addressed?

Clinical Services Plan

How can I get involved?

Send us your feedback in the space below. If English is your second language, please e-mail us in your native language and we shall have it translated. This is open to all! No matter your age, gender, income, ability, religion or political view we would love to hear from you.

Leave your feedback

The public consultation period for the JHC Clinical Services Plan closes at 5pm on Friday 3 August.

[Keep in mind that this document is clinically focused because it is a clinical services plan].
[Note that the plan must closely follow the requirements set by the WA Department of Health for the provision of public services].
Please enter your e-mail if you consent to us contacting you should we need further input from you into the Clinical Services Plan?



  Phase 1
Draft plan launched online inviting comment
  Phase 2
Consumer feedback analysed and used to inform second draft
  Phase 3
Final plan published in 2018 and presented to key stakeholders
  Phase 4
Plan used to inform specialty and departmental plans
  Phase 5
Plan revised / updated in 2019