Services Provided:
Hand and Upper Limb rehabilitation clinic for private patients.
Who can be referred:
- Private adult and paediatric patients.
- Public patients who have started their treatment plan as a Joondalup Health Campus inpatient and are under the continuing care of a JHC consultant.
- Public patients who previously attended the JHC Emergency Department.
How to refer to clinic:
- Written referral addressed to the JHC Occupational Therapy Department.
- The patient will then be contacted with the appointment details and advised what they need to bring to the appointment.
The costs of a clinic appointment and any additional costs for splints will be discussed with each individual patient.
Hand and Upper Limb Outpatient Clinic Reception
Hours of operation
Monday to Friday: 8.00am to 5.00pm
Contact details
Telephone: (08) 9400 9256
Facsimile: (08) 9400 9268