Joondalup Health Campus
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Telethon Children’s Ward 

Telethon Children’s Ward now open!

The Telethon Children’s Ward at the Joondalup Health Campus officially opened on Friday June 3.

The new 37-bed ward is a far-cry from most traditional hospital wards – the bright, colourful, nature-themed space includes a giant tropical aquarium and cloud ‘skylights’, alongside many other features designed to bring elements of nature indoors.

Interactive play floors and the Telethon funded ‘3D distractors’, which recently featured on Channel 7’s Today Tonight, will also help make the hospital experience a kinder one for children. 

Importantly, the ward also caters for the needs of parents - many of whom are understandably overwhelmed being in hospital with a sick or injured child, with each room including a day bed where parents can more comfortably rest along with a convenient workspace.

Delivered on time and under budget, the $12.1 million the ward was funded by the Telethon, the State Government and Ramsay Health Care and provides increased access and care closer to home for the children of Perth’s northern suburbs.

Play Room
staff base

Caring for children at Joondalup Health Campus

Joondalup Health Campus offers a range of paediatric services for the benefit of children and their families living in Perth’s expanding northern corridor.

Headed up by Dr Lana Bell, the new 37-bed ward is managed by a highly experienced team of paediatric nurses and Paediatric Specialists including:

Radio Lollipop maintains an active presence on the ward, helping to entertain and distract young children while they are in hospital.

Staff Base
Play Room

Emergency services

The Joondalup Health Campus Emergency Department is staffed and equipped to provide paediatric emergency services. Following the recent redevelopment of our ED, the Department now features a dedicated paediatric waiting room and treatment area. In 2014/15, over 23,000 children presented to the Emergency Department at Joondalup Heath Campus, with nearly 2000 of these requiring hospital admission.

For less serious after hours medical issues, when parents are unable to visit their own GP our After Hours GP Clinic provides a bulk billing service for all patients under 16.

Jo and Lux HarringtonTelethon Childrens Ward Launch

Visiting Hours

Access to the ward is restricted for the safety of our patients, however parents and carers are welcome on the ward at any time. Just use the intercom at the ward entrance for access to the Telethon Children’s Ward.

General JHC Visiting Hours:
10am - 8pm

Telethon Children’s Ward - for other friends and relatives:
Friends and relatives are welcome to visit the Telethon Children’s Ward, however we ask that the children have a rest period between 12noon and 2pm and visitors depart the ward by 7.30pm.

All siblings and younger children must be supervised by a responsible adult during their visit to the hospital.